I I have spent a few hours sitting on my little tractor to turn grass into lawn and we also drove the 20-odd kilometres
to Shallow Crossing at the top of the Clyde River to dangle our feet in the crystal-clear mountain water. It was a perfect day!
We visited friends at Cobargo who run a dairy farm of some 120 cows on 400 acres. We stayed for the weekend and while Padma helped inside the house, I assisted with the rounding-up and the milking of the cows.
Rounding up 120 cows twice a day, once at the crack of dawn and then again late in the afternoon, and then sterilising 480 teats with iodine and putting suction cups on them is not my preferred life style but I learned a lot in those two days and can now honestly say that I no longer believe that milk comes out of a bottle!