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Today's quote:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dark blue is the river, golden is the sand;
it flows along forever, with trees on either hand

Well, a rich chocolate-brown is probably a better description of the Clyde River after the relentless rains we've been having and the enormous run-offs that are now heading for the Bay and the ocean beyond.

You can almost see the grass grow, and everywhere you look there is new growth and new life. The pond has doubled in size and so has its population of wild ducks and resident frogs who serenade us well into the night.

It's time to retreat to my 'Beer & Bullshit Corner' for a few hours of serious propagating and repotting of 'murraya paniculata' which, as everyone knows, is the Orange Jasmine which bears masses of highly perfumed white flowers and grows to a height and width of 3 metres.