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Monday, March 17, 2014

A peeless-ant pool


We've just come back from our weekly outing to the Ulladulla indoor pool which, now that the holidays are over and all the little kiddies are back at school, has become a far more peeless-ant place to be.

Of course, we also had our almost obligatory lunch at the Ulladulla bowling club before rummaging through some second-hand books at our favourite op-shop.

I came away with Why I Left Goldman Sachs by Greg Smith; a bit of a dated Australian travel book, Wild Country by Jeff Carter; and an Insight-Guide on Namibia to read up on places I used to live and work in almost fifty years ago.

Of course, I do like my authors more dead than alive and so I couldn't resist to also pick up Aldous Huxley's Crome Yellow, Antic Hay, Ape and Essence, and The Genius and the Goddess.

And somebody who seems to love all things American must have just dropped off their DVD collection and so I also picked up The Alamo, 3:10 to Yuma, Midway, and Anzio - not something I usually watch but at 50 cents a piece I don't mind seeing Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda and Robert Mitchum single-handedly winning the war.

On the way back, in a rest area along the highway, we met a couple (he and she) who rode two separate Harley-Davidsons. They wore helmets with inbuilt headphones so they could talk to each other within a one-kilometre radius (surely her idea! ☺). They had come all the way from Townsville in North Queensland which I had called 'home' a long time ago and so we sat and reminisced for a good hour before moving on in opposite directions.

And that's it for another week!