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Today's quote:

Friday, July 15, 2016

Late Night Live


Nothing is very much alive at "Riverbend" after 10 p.m. except ABC Radio National's 'Late Night Live'. Tucked up in bed, with the radio dial softly glowing, the electric blanket turned on 'High', and little Rover snoring peacefully, I am tuned into Phillip Adams' Late Night Live.

Its razor-sharp analyses of current events and debates on topics in politics, science, philosophy and culture keep me in touch with the world. Recent programs posed such questions as 'Who owns the South China Sea?' and 'What is the truth of Islam behind the violent rhetoric?'

I've been a regular listener of LNL for more than twenty years, going back to its previous presenter, the redoubtable Richard Ackland, and as soon as I hear its theme music, the first movement of Brescianello's violin concerto no. 4 in e-minor, I know I'm in for an intellectual treat.

There's no other radio program, anywhere on Earth, that casts a wider net, so go ahead and spend a night in bed with Phillip.