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Today's quote:

Sunday, July 24, 2016

SKYPE me up!


Thanks to today's wonderful technology, last night we SKYPEd with our friends Hubert and Wiwin on Thursday Island for a whole hour-and-a-half - and it didn't cost a cent!

I wrote about Hubert in a previous blog and admired his photography of the Torres Strait - more of it on his own website northpic.com.au.

I also admire his staying power as he went to Thursday Island in 1978 and, apart from a short stint with Ben Cropp in Port Douglas, never left which is in stark contrast to my own short stay on the island.

Still, whether it's thirty-eight years or thirty-eight weeks, Thursday Island has left an indelible impression on both of us.

P.S. How time flies! It's already eleven years again since my last return visit to Thursday Island - read about it here.