There was a time when a bishop could not be convicted of a crime unless there were seventy-two witnesses. The degree of proof for a cardinal priest was forty-four, for a cardinal deacon thirty-six, and for a sub-deacon seven witnesses.
Under those rules, they not only had to have committed the crime but also sold tickets. Fortunately, those days are long gone but all religions still enjoy - and demand! - enormous power, influence, and tax breaks.
But in addition to being exempt from all taxes, they also demand to be exempt from mockery and humour, including the one in this commercial by Meat and Livestock Australia which they want to have banned.
No religion - Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim (but especially Muslim!) - should be above society's criticism, challenge or mockery, if they want to be part of that society which, after all, is the source of their power.
Maybe we should offer them a choice: be exempt from mockery or from taxes, but not both. I already know which exemption they'd choose.