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Today's quote:

Thursday, December 7, 2017

For everything you lose, you gain something

My new tenant - who's on full board and lodging - at "Riverbend"


I may have lost my tenant in Sydney because the incompetent agent pushed too hard for a rent increase - and, having lost the tenant, had to relet at a lower rent than before! - but I've gained a new, albeit rent-free, tenant here at "Riverbend".

The Sydney agent is the same one who'd organised the repainting and recarpeting of the unit at great expense, and then tried to "touch" me for another $300 for a call-out to "find" the missing telephone socket which the painters had taken off the skirting board and the carpet-layers then buried under the new carpets. I told him where to go!

He's also the agent who suggested that I demolish the bath-tub and swap it for a shower only so as to make room for the tenant's washing machine and dryer in the bathroom. I kid you not! Here's the proof:

"Has washing machine and dryer in bathroom. Space not wide enough rear of bath to
take machine. Consider taking out bath and only have shower so laundry will fit."

No, his name wasn't Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyenwe Ugwemubwem Ossas and he had no swollen lips and curly hair! It's enough to make me want to get STONEd, so I'll by switching over to STONE REAL ESTATE. Maybe they can also look after my tenant at "Riverbend"! Here's his photo ID:
