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Today's quote:

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Money for old rope


Apart from constantly straightening out my library which is a perpetual chore (although Sisyphus never had it this good), I also have to front up every six months to my cancer surgeon, my radiation oncologist, and my dermatologist.

They all need a referral from my general practitioner who charges me around a hundred dollars for barely looking up while he presses the print button on his computer keyboard. Money for old rope but perhaps not enough for a new BMW because they keep changing constantly.

I don't know where they disappear to, perhaps to their country of origin because none are local. The last one was a charming Sri Lankan with a name so long it barely fitted his door (I simply called him "Doctor" so I wouldn't overrun the standard appointment time and get changed extra)

The name on the door is gone, and so is he, and I made the mistake of mentioning it to my dermatologist. "Well, if you're going to have a new GP, you're also going to need a new referral", he told me, and so I made an appointment with the Sri Lankan's replacement, a surly Pakistani who pressed the print button on his keyboard and charged me a hundred dollars. Money for old rope again, and I hope he has a BMW already, so that he won't leave as well and leave me with another useless referral.

That was yesterday afternoon. This morning I received a letter from the Licence Review Unit of the NSW Department of Transport saying that "our records show that you are now due to undertake a medical assessment in regards to your medical fitness to drive". Back to the same surly Pakistani who won't even have to press the print button this time as the form can be submitted online. More money for old rope!

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