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Today's quote:

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Truth is stranger than fiction


With autocorrect firmly installed in my brain, I had already lunged for this book before realising that it wasn't really meant for me, and so I passed it on to Padma - and I have the bruises on my face to prove it!

Of course, what, in my convoluted way, I was thinking of was the old saying that truth is stranger than fiction which always makes me look for non-fiction books. Simon Winchester's many books, from "Krakatoa" and "The Man Who Loved China" to "The Meaning of Everything", already adorn my library, as do the books "Kokoda", "Gallipolli", "Tobruk", and "Batavia", by his not-so-erudite Australian counterpart Peter FitzSimons.

I have just discovered Mark Kurlansky - online online so far, but I'm going to buy some of his books soon - who's written two dozen informative bestsellers, among them "Paper - Paging Through History", "Salt: A World History", and "World Without Fish : How could we let this happen?".

If you're curious about the world and want to expand your horizon, you simply have to read Mark Kurlansky. To whet your appetite, click here.

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