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Today's quote:

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Saturday morning at BUNNINGS


We woke up to a cold and rainy morning. Breakfast in bed seemed like an agreeable way to start the day, but then Padma's friend Deidree rang to say that they were running some charity stalls at BUNNINGS, including a Lions Club booksale, which clinched it.


Deidree and Padma


Other than a paperback edition of "Johnno" by David Malouf and Brian Thacker's "I'm not eating any of that foreign muck (travels with me Dad)", there were slim pickings at the book stall, but the local Men's Shed came up with some rather interesting ideas for my workshop:



With Padma still hamming it up with the store's Easter Bunny, I had time to pick up three lilly pillies and three bottle brushes from BUNNINGS' nursery, as well as a couple of LED lights for "Melbourne" and "Sydney".



When we got home, a message was waiting for us to say that Padma's raffle ticket had won first prize in the Country Women's Association. No surprise there, since she seemed to have bought every ticket on sale.

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