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Today's quote:

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Down but not out!


With hundreds of billions wiped off the value of shares in recent days, there's little to be optimistic about, however, we've been there before, including the GFC, and the market has always got back up on its feet.

While the value of the shares may have fallen, the quality hasn't. And, eventually, values will come back up to reflect the quality of the assets. We're talking about companies with real assets, Commonwealth Bank, Woolies, BHP. BHP still has its iron ore reserves in the ground, the quality is still there and ultimately the price will reflect the quality.

In fact, BHP is going all out to also develop its gigantic potash deposit in Canada - see here, and my other large investment, Hawsons Iron, starts to export its 70 per cent iron (Fe) in the second half of 2024 - see here.

Yes, I'm down (15%, and counting ...) but not out!

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