So you're looking forward to all that ho-ho-ho merry Christmassing? Me neither! And we are in good company because when it comes to Christmas refuseniks the XY chromosomes are traditionally well represented.
A male misanthrope railing against a seasonal tsunami of comfort and joy in his "festive" jumper and paper hat is arguably as much a part of Christmas as the Queen’s Speech (or from this year onwards, the presumably even more boring King's Speech). Even if he’s the archetypal equable pragmatist for the other 364 days of the year, December 25 is when everybloke’s inner Grumpy Old Man comes home to roost.
The above video clip should give you some more ideas. There are still a few more weeks left in which to watch it closely and, if you get your timings right, you can not only have your Christmas cake but eat it, too.