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Today's quote:

Thursday, February 20, 2025

From the river to the sea



Ask any of the "rent-a-crowd" Pro-Palestinian protesters if they've ever heard of the Balfour Declaration or the Sykes-Picot Agreement, and you will draw a complete blank. They don't even know what they mean when they shout "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"! As for some of the signs they carry, they're not only anti-semitic but downright anti-semantic.

The Uganda Scheme never got off the ground, and so, Israel has been a thorn in the sides of the Arabs ever since. The first circuit breaker in over eighty years has been Trump's plan for a future Gaza Strip. Douglas Murray, always a lone voice in the wilderness, certainly thinks so.



And all those "rent-a-crowd" Pro-Palestinian protesters should educate themselves by whatching this video (but, of course, they won't, just as they failed everything else, including getting an education at school):



I read Leon Uris' "Exodus" when I was still a youngster in Germany (in German, of course), but you can read it in its original English edition:


Read the book online at www.archive.org


Or you can cut to the chase and watch this full-length 1960 movie starring Paul Newman, to give you some informed opinion next time someone shouts "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free":



Perhaps you want to ask them what they mean when they shout it, and what river and what sea they're referring to. Better still, ask them, if they feel so strongly about it, why they don't move there themselves.

"Good riddance!" I'd say.

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