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Today's quote:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is this property worth $1.7 million?

Our new neighbours seem to think so. They've just splashed out $950,000 for this wood-and-corrugated-iron shack on a 1,600 square metre block and another $750,000 for the adjoining empty block of similar size.

Why am I interested in your opinion?

Well, it's all relative, isn't it? If this wooden shack on about 3,200 square metres of land is worth paying $1.7 million for, then the substantial double-storey brick-and-tile residence at "Riverbend" on almost 30,000 square metres must surely be a bargain at around $2 million (the latest valuation is $2.15 million).

No pushing, please, and form an orderly queue! Any offer over $2 million will be considered!