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Today's quote:

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Australian Story


This was going to be another one of my frivolous and a-waste-of-good-time blog entries, but that was before I watched last night's ABC TV Australian Story about Dr Howard Ralph who operates Southern Cross Wildlife Care in nearby Braidwood.

The story really blew me away and I was immensely touched by this man's selfless devotion to treating and rehabilitating injured wildlife and my immediate thought was, "How can I help?"

My first reaction was to check their volunteer page, only to find that there's no need for a retired bean-counter, and with ten not-even-green thumbs I can't help with the building of enclosures and fences either.

Which left me with the donate page and the old adage, "Money can't buy ..." but it can buy some of the much-needed surgical, pathology & other equipment plus medical supplies to keep Dr Ralph going.

As his website says, "Our wildlife can’t say thank you – But we can", and so can I because I'm sure you'll have a few - and maybe even more than just a few - spare dollars to donate to this very good cause. Here's my big "Thank you" for clicking on the image below:

Having made a donation and having spread the word have made me feel good. So, come on and make yourself feel good as well. You deserve it!
