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Today's quote:

Friday, October 6, 2017

You want to be quick to watch this movie

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They haven't made a feature movie on the Clyde River yet, so you'll have you make do with "Oyster Farmer" which was filmed on the Hawkesbury north of Sydney. It's very watchable, with a good music score, a good storyline, and breathtakingly beautiful scenery --- well, almost as breathtakingly beautiful as our Clyde.

You don't go to the country to hide. There are cities for that. But Jack Flange seeks respite on the Hawkesbury River where oyster farmers make a living and pile up grievances. Jack embarks on a river journey of self-discovery, hits it off with the high-maintenance "bastard child of a shit collector", and, instead of just passing through, finds home.

You'll find it very watchable but be quick before YouTube removes it.
