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Today's quote:

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Happy Easter

Cadbury - the chocolate that John West rejects


Easter is the annual ritual when Canberra's public servants arise from the dead and in their thousands head down to the coast to turn wine into water. And it's about to start now, so let's shut the gate and sit it out for the next four days.

The forecast is for "Goldilocks weather", not too hot and not too cold, and there'll be an invasion of boat people that even the Australian Border Force couldn't handle. There'll be children overboard, and on jetskis, and in canoes and kayaks, and the hills will be alive with the sound of ghettoblasters.

I'll be happy when all those paschal pastimes are behind us, when the last Easter egg wrapping has been fished out of the river, and all those public servants are back to what they do best - nothing!

"Happy Easter!" from me and the Archbishop of Cadbury.
