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Today's quote:

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

I've "Nina Bobo"-ed all afternoon


It's been cold and grey and raining and so, after a big early lunch and a large glass of Chateau Cardboard, I pulled a beanie over my eyes and the doona up to my nose and "bobo"-ed all afternoon.

I dreamt that all politicans had been given proper jobs at McDonald's, all whingers and whiners disenfranchised (and if you don't know what 'dis-enfranchised' means, you're probably one of them), and a certain ex-deputy mayor deported to Lebanon.


Nina bobo
oh, nina bobo
Kalau tidak bobo
digigit nyamuk

boboklah bobo
adikku sayang
kalau tidak bobo
digigit nyamuk

Go to sleep, Nina,
Oh, go to sleep Nina.
If you don't sleep
The mosquito will bite.

Sleep, go to sleep,
My beloved sibling.
If you don't sleep
The mosquito will bite.


Then a mosquito bit me and I realised it had been just a dream.
