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Today's quote:

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Un-discovered Islands


The Un-Discovered Islands is an exploration of some of the world’s strangest places, by writer Malachy Tallack and illustrator Katie Scott.

Gathered in this book are two dozen islands once believed to be real but no longer on the map. These are the products of imagination, deception and human error. They are phantoms and fakes: an archipelago of ex-isles and forgotten lands.

From the well-known story of Atlantis to more obscure tales from around the globe, from ancient history right up to the present day, this is an atlas of legend and wonder, of places discovered and then un-discovered.

I'm glad I discovered The Un-discovered Islands and will certainly order my copy from bookdepository.com.


P.S. I first heard about this magnificent book on Late Night Live radio. Now you can, too, by clicking here. And read more here.