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Today's quote:

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Darryl versus Goliath

The Today Show celebrates 20th Anniversary of "The Castle" in 2017


The quirky Kerrigan family lives together in a makeshift home they built themselves, with great pride and bizarre attention to detail, a few yards from the edge of Tullamarine Airport.

When a building inspector condemns the building and reveals that the government plans to use their land for an airport expansion, Darryl Kerrigan (Michael Caton) and his brood recruit hack attorney Dennis Denuto (Tiriel Mora) and prepare themselves for the fight of their lives.

This timeless comic snapshot of suburban life Down Under remains absolutely un-budgeable from its perch as the most widely adored Australian film of all times. Filmed in a crazy 14 days in 1997, "The Castle" has stood the test of time and, twenty-three years later, is still responsible for some of the great Aussie catch phrases:

"Tell 'im 'e's dreamin'"
"We're the luckiest family in the world" and "How's the serenity?"
"This is going straight to the pool room"
"You're an ideas man"
"When it comes to violation, they don't come any bigger" and "It's the vibe of the thing"



Where was it filmed and what happened to the house? In 2017 it was sold and transported to Beechworth, Victoria. See for yourself:



There's no FREE full-length movie on YouTube, but here's a taste of it:



Go and buy the DVD. It costs around $10 (there's even a Poolroom Edition!) If someone is selling it for $15, tell 'em they're dreamin'.

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