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Today's quote:

Monday, November 2, 2020

So where exactly is the Nelligen Yacht Club?


Let little "Etta" show you the way and stop at 0:27 where on the left edge of the picture you can just see a tall white flagpole: that's "Riverbend" and that's where the Nelligen Yacht Club has its headquarters.

For more video clips of the beautiful Clyde River, click here, and make sure you also watch the full-length movie "Oyster Farmer" at the bottom of the page. Get out the popcorn and click on FULL SCREEN. It'll the best one hour and twenty-six minutes you've ever spent.

Googlemap Riverbend

P.S. YouTube have just moved the movie "Oyster Farmer" to a new URL. To watch it at the new location, click here.