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Today's quote:

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Diplomatic immunity

Padma hard at work on her first day as NBN Brand Ambassador
(to her right is Phil, the nicest man you could possibly work for)


This morning, after a dip in the warm-water pool and having dropped Padma off for her first day at work, I called in at the Roads & Traffic Authority to have our car re-plated with one of those fancy light-blue DC diplomatic corps number plates.

I showed them Padma's employment letter but, apparently, being an NBN Brand Ambassador isn't qualification enough for a diplomatic corps number plate. Down but not out, I crossed the road for a bit of op-shopping at Vinnies and went away with a copy of Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" which isn't the sort of tale I usually read, but since everyone seems to be talking about the movie and the later TV series, I might as well fill that particular gap in my general knowledge.


Click here for the audiobook


We've just relit the fireplace and, as much as I dislike the winters this far south, I always feel as happy as a pig in the proverbial when I sit close to a burning logfire with a glass of hot "Glühwein" even closer.

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