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Today's quote:

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How political correctness is destroying Australia


As we "splayd" into a post-jentacular piece of cake at the Catalina Country Club, I dipped in and out of Dr Kevin Donnelly's "How Political Correctness is Destroying Australia".

(By the way, which of the two words are you unfamiliar with? Surely not "splayd" which confusingly I used as a verb but which is the noun that describes that useful eating utensil combining the functions of spoon, knife and fork, invented by William McArthur in the 1940s in Sydney.)



But back to Dr Donnelly's book and the political correctness movement which has become an increasingly global phenomenon impacting on how we think, the language we use and how we interact with family, friends and work colleagues.

History tells us that totalitarian regimes whether communist or fascist are able to gain and maintain power by denying free speech and freedom of thought. While Western societies like Australia have not yet reached the same level of indoctrination and control it's obvious that political correctness represents a clear and present danger and that it must be opposed if the liberties and freedoms we take for granted are to prevail.



As Dr Donnelly writes in his book, "Political correctness is also responsible for restricting free speech and open and dispassionate debate. Everyday conversations and interactions are closely scrutinised by the thought-police to ensure nobody offends in aeras like gender and sexuality, ethnicity, physical appearance or social background. Unless, of course, you are a white, middle-class, older male with Christian values and then you are ripe for attack."

A book to be read by every Australian; either that or let them eat cake!

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