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Today's quote:

Friday, August 30, 2024

Go Woke, Go Broke!


When the time comes to write the history of the 21st Century, will today's new religions of race and sex have finally been consigned to the dustbin of history and this ridiculously mad wokeism not even get a mention?

Why did we ever allow all social, political, and intellectual discourse to become shackled and perverted by this insane phenomenon, initially known as ‘political correctness’, then given the more catchy name ‘wokeness’? Why did it take so long to finally cancel ‘cancel culture’? When did people wake up to the fact that wokeness offers nothing more than a vacuous, intellectually dishonest, stultifying, and ultimately counterproductive constraint upon any society where it takes hold.

For Australia, this mass awakening coincided with the Voice referendum. When the Voice eventually croaked, it was because a majority of Australians nationwide, as well as a majority in every state of the Commonwealth, recognised that they did not have to support a radically stupid proposal merely because the chattering classes told them it was the right thing to do. Challenged to use their innate common sense and wisdom, Australian voters made the only sensible decision, and they did so despite being told by the wokest of the woke that opposition to the Voice was explicable only by ‘racism’ or ‘sheer stupidity’.

No more terror of climate change; no more horrors of #MeToo; no more heinous treatment of so-called ‘first nations’ peoples; no more virtue-signalling; no more whatever-Lives Matter; back to binary pronouns.

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