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Today's quote:

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

This time it's not for oil

Yours truly buckling up for a helicopter ride from Akyab to the oil rig in the Arakan Sea


The last time I was anywhere near a big drill - other than at the dentist - was in 1975 in Burma where my employer, the French oil company TOTAL - Compagnie Française des Pétroles (CFP), was drilling for oil in the Arakan Sea.

The drillers are back, this time to bore a hole to connect "Riverbend" to the town's new sewerage system. They kicked off at the front gate ...


Okay, let's get it done by Ledonne


... and then gave it a second shot from the front lawn to the house.



I can't wait to give it a shot myself and test out the new pipes but ...



I won't uncross my legs until they have uncrossed those two pipes! 😄


Googlemap Riverbend


P.S. See also "Pushing s**t uphill".