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Today's quote:

Thursday, August 15, 2024

In memory of Captain Dewsnap


The photo below is now more than forty-six years old! I discovered it on the Pacific Forum Line website and took it as recognition of my contribution to the formation of that shipping line in Samoa in 1978 when I set up their financial recording and reporting systems and agency network.


Captain Gordon Dewsnap third from the right
The Errol-Flynn look-alike on the far right is yours truly ☺


I had been hired by Captain Gordon Dewsnap, who himself had only months earlier been hired to head up this newly-formed shipping line which was jointly owned by all the member nations of the South Paific Forum. Needless to say, it became the political football of every tinpot politician of every tinpot island nation which ultimately led to Captain Dewsnap's resignation only two years down the track - see article below.




I had pulled up stumps even earlier to take up another consulting position in Malaysia which, however, was just as "political" - see here. Perhaps I should've put up with all that bullshit in Samoa for a little bit longer, because I have always kept a soft spot in my heart for Samoa.

Captain Dewsnap returned to his adopted country New Zealand where he died on this day in 2014, aged 82. Rest in peace, Gordon.

Yes, tell me the tales that to me were so dear ... it's long, long ago; too long ago to even feel real. It was in another life when I was young and full of energy and adventure - not to mention full of myself ☺



Sing me the songs I delighted to hear; long, long ago; long ago.

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