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Today's quote:

Monday, February 20, 2023

To all bean counters past and present


Bookkeeping by double-entry is amongst the finest inventions of the human mind. More than five hundred years ago, in the very first book published on the subject, bookkeeping was outlined in a form which still prevails around the world.

The 'father' of double-entry bookkeeping was a Franciscan monk born near Florence in the 1440s which just goes to show that accounting can be habit-forming. His name was Luca Pacioli, just like this software.

In the highly unlikely event that you have an accountant amongst your friends, why not put a bit of excitement into his otherwise boring life by giving him a copy of Jane Gleeson-White's book "Double Entry"? It is a beautifully written history of accounting, one double-entry at a time.

As dedication in the front of the book, you may pen this little poem:

An Accountant's Life
He was a very cautious man, who never romped or played,
He never smoked, he never drank, nor even kissed a maid.
And when up and passed and away, insurance was denied.
For since he hadn't ever lived, they claimed he never died.


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P.S. No need to give me a copy: in true double-entry fashion, I already own two copies, one in paperback, the other as a beautiful hardcover.