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Today's quote:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Bring on the bacon, I say!


This is a picture of Morad Almuradi. He's obviously someone who, having found refuge in Holland, now wants to chew off the arm that feeds him by demanding the immediate cancellation of the 'un-Islamic' Oktoberfest. As he wrote here:


Dear City council of Munich,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention something that I and many Muslims believe is unfair and requires attention. I would like to inform you that the Oktoberfest is an Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event. We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest. Such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.

We understand that the Oktoberfest is a yearly German tradition, but we, Muslims, can not tolerate this Un-Islamic event, because it offends us and all Muslims on the earth. We are requesting the immediate cancellation of the upcoming Oktoberfest event.

We also believe that the Oktoberfest might also offend all the Muslim refugees coming from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. The cancellation of the Oktoberfest event will help refugees not to forget their Islamic history. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Morad Almuradi


I can't believe it!


Hamid? It's me, Ramzi! You really can't believe what you read in the papers.
We've found the refugee camp - and it's absolutely fantastic!


Already, in deference to Muslims, Germans are calling their Christmas Fairs 'Winter Markets', and now this?

Bring on the bacon, I say!