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Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Balcony on Shore Restaurant in Moruya


I was going to call this post "Upmarket dining in downtown Moruya" but that wouldn't give Peter & Kim Clunne's new restaurant on the upper level of the Adelaide Hotel enough exposure when people Google for a restaurant in Moruya.

When you dine with Peter & Kim, you run the risk of a double-fatality because the views from the restaurant of the Moruya River are already something to die for, but when the food arrives you could be forgiven if you thought you had died and gone to Heaven.

Peter & Kim, as you already know, operating a restaurant is not for the faint-hearted - see here - but we want you to succeed because we want to continue to enjoy your fine food and excellent service for many years to come.

They say every little bit helps and my little bit will be the website I am happy to set up for you at www.balconyonshore.com.

Give me a few days, Peter & Kim, and you'll have something to look at - and if you're happy with it, you can always spoil me with a free dessert (or two) ☺