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Today's quote:

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Greetings from Sofa's Paradise


We've had a Sunday only seven days ago, but here we are again with yet another one, and this one is living up to its name: it's sunny, after days of rain and overcast skies.

As always, we set out for our walk while Nelligen was still rubbing the sleep from its eyes and, as always, we didn't get back to "Riverbend" until close to lunchtime because we were delayed by chatting with people: Mike and his dog Barry; Liam and Amanda and their dog Yenni, Wayne and his beautiful German Shepherd Tyson, "Big Terry" and "Small Terry", and Elaine and Neil. Here people chat with the easy familiarities of those who had pretty much the same conversation the day before.

Now it's time for a quick lie-down in Sofa's Paradise before Padma serves me up what's left of yesterday's curry, after which I'll relocate to distant "Melbourne" and read more of Melvyn Bragg's "The Adventure of English".

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