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Today's quote:

Monday, July 18, 2022

Two of my favourite thinkers for the price of one


Here are two of the sharpest – and controversial – minds in Britain discussing what it means to be conservative. It is so reassuring that the art of conversation is still alive on the web although it's almost non-existent on TV! Perhaps they are our modern equivalent of Johnson and Boswell.

Roger Scruton is a joy to listen to, and his brilliant mind and brilliant sense of humour pairs well with Douglas Murray's. Two very civilised gentlemen having a civilised discussion in the midst of the insanity and intellectual incoherence of our times. How refreshing and what a treat!



Roger Scruton, who passed away in 2020, wrote some fifty non-fiction as well as fiction books, including two operas and a BBC documentary. I have ordered one of his best known books, "How to be a Conservative".

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