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Today's quote:

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Time for a commercial break!


If you're harbouring any doubts about your dentist, you may wish to consult Harbour Dental Ulladulla. We've been going there for years, and Dr Liam Pearce is simply the best.

Our last visit was yesterday, at which Liam referred Padma for an OPG - which stands for orthopantomogram, if you don't know; I didn't! - and is a panoramic X-ray of the upper and lower jaws, including the teeth.

It's done at Southern IML Pathology in Moruya, and we're booked in for tomorrow at 2 p.m. which gives us a chance to have lunch at the Moruya Bowling Club and for me to visit Moruya's Vinnies to look at some books.


Moruya Bowling Club


We used to visit Moruya and its weekend markets regularly, but with the centre of gravity in the shire more and more shifting towards Batemans Bay, we haven't had the club's $10-Roast of the Day for quite a while, and neither have I checked on Vinnies' books which last time I looked had been marked up to ebay prices. I'll find out tomorrow if the same old chap is still pricing them or if common sense has been restored.

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