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Today's quote:

Friday, January 26, 2024

Who Cooked this one up?


The metal Captain Cook sculpture on Jacka Boulevard in Catani Gardens, in St Kilda, was sawn off at the ankles at 3.30am on Thursday, with the vandals spray-painting "the colony will fall" on the statue’s granite plinth.

Did VERA and her forensic pathologist Malcolm Donahue establish the precise time of the ankle-cutting or did someone watch the hooligans in action? If the latter, why weren't they stopped?

This is taking Australia Day celebrations to a new low - literally! I hope they find the perpetrators and cut off their unemployment benefits because they're claiming them under false pretences: there are plenty of scrap metal recycling places where their talents could be used.

Although I haven't it checked yet with the Thought Police at the ABC, I wish you all a possibly politically totally incorrect "Happy Australia Day".

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