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Today's quote:

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Another perfect morning at "Riverbend"


But not for long: the forecast is for very strong winds and temperatures in the mid-40s. Still, we went for our usual walk before the heat set in - and then suddenly the heat was on: I remembered having left the porridge bubbling away on the stove! It was a jogtrot all the way back.

The house was still standing and the porridge still edible, and I'm now reading the last chapter in "The Mess They Made - The Middle East after Iraq", aptly named "Crawling from the Wreckage". It's required reading for anyone who is still harbouring doubts about America's duplicity.

Padma is right now washing her hair before attending this morning's Mini Market in the Church grounds. I can't quite see the connection between the two but that's women for you. Anyway, judging by this flyer, it's going to be a pretty plain affair.

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