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Today's quote:

Sunday, March 19, 2023

I bought myself my own monument

I don't know this man but I'll have my name there as well,
albeit as "Peter Goerman, 'FLAVIA', 1965"


I mean, if I don't do it, who would? It's a plaque on the Arc Memorial Sculpture in the old Bonegilla Migrant Reception Centre at Albury, where I spent the first two nights in my new country - see here.


To order your own plaque, click on image, then move cursor off image
and right-click your mouse and click on 'Print ...'


Two hundred and twenty-five dollars are small change to achieve instant "immortality", and perhaps some visitors to the camp will remember me and make contact before I head off to that camp in the sky where eventually we all migrate to and where even emails can't reach us.


My Bonegilla Registration card. If you're looking for yours, click here


Here are some old photos of what Bonegilla Camp looked like when I was there for two very short and cold nights and days in August 1965:



Click here and here for more information on Bonegilla Migrant Hostel.


Today's memorial site: (click on image to enlarge)


Googlemap Riverbend