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Today's quote:

Friday, March 24, 2023

The Magic of Mornings


I love this mysterious still time before reality kicks in, before shapes emerge on the river, when everything floats nebulously in that strange light that makes one think of the beginnings of things.

I'm addicted to sunrises. I've watched the sun rise from boats far out at sea and from mountain tops, from tropical beaches and standing among the ruins at Delphi. Watching the sun come up is an affirmation of life and warmth and continuity.

I've always been addicted to sunrises, before the world reveals itself to be, after all, pretty much what is was yesterday, only these days I get up for them instead of staying up for them. Staying up needs stamina I don't have any more.

And so I shall continue doing it: getting up early and watching the sun rise. It's why I'm so hopeless in the afternoons.

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