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Today's quote:

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

How To Poison A Planet


There's nothing like listening to Patricia Karvelas' "RN Breakfast" to get you out of bed, and this morning was no different: the 95-minute documentary "How to Poison A Planet" investigates how the use of a product as seemingly harmless as firefighting foam, has contaminated communities all over the world, from New York City to Wreck Bay, Australia. Listen here.

The Sydney Morning Herald investigative journalist, Carrie Fellner said: “This is an international scandal that affects every single Australian. We have all been exposed to “forever chemicals”, it’s in our blood and everyday household products like makeup, clothing and cookware. These chemicals have left a trail of devastation in communities across the globe, from our own backyard to being found on Mount Everest. Our journalism is seeking to shine a light on this catastrophe, hold polluters accountable and see governments do more to keep ordinary citizens safe from these dangerous toxins.”

The doco even includes US actor Mark Ruffalo, who portrayed lawyer Rob Bilott in the feature film he produced, Dark Waters (2019). “The thing that was always astonishing to me, that people made the decision to go forward with putting these chemicals in our environment – they knew what they were doing, those were decisions made by people, you can’t help but ask, what kind of people do that?” Ruffalo asked.

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