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Today's quote:

Monday, April 15, 2024

How we met Bill Barnacle


"The Magic Pudding", Norman Lindsay's textbook for Australia's welfare system
"The more you eats the more you gets".


We were enjoying our roast pork with apple sauce at the Moruya Bowling Club when in walked a dead ringer for Bill Barnacle in "The Magic Pudding". "You can't tell him that", whispered Padma but I did, and it turned out we both were fans of Norman Lindsay.

Not that my book nerdiness always served me that well. I still remember a girl I tried to date just after I had come out to Australia in the 1960s. After a fumbled introduction and some awkward small talk, she asked me about the book that had had the greatest influence on my life, to which I replied, "Principles of Accounting, Part II". I never saw her again.

Speaking of which, I restrained myself today by buying only two books, "God is Not Great - The Case Against Religion" by Christopher Hitchens, and "The Sorrows of Empire - Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic" by Chalmers Johnson. And then there were two - what? whoopee cushion? marked   ANZ   TAKE A SEAT  . I guess they give them out to every new customer to soften the blow of the cost of the loan.



The things you find in Vinnies! Of course, as an ex-ANZ Bank Johnny from the 1960s I took them both, one for me and the other for another ex-ANZ Bank Johnny in Wollongong whom I hope to visit again soon.

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