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Today's quote:

Friday, May 31, 2013

First light


It's been a late night last night as I simply couldn't put down my new book Atlantic. I still have another 200 pages to go which should take care of the weekend. It's Friday today. I know because I've just taken in the garbage bin which gets emptied every Friday. Somehow it seems I'm taking in the bin more frequently these days - or is it just that the weeks roll by faster?

I've been for my first walk across the property, cup of tea in hand, to feed the wild ducks on the pond and the many parrots. Soon it'll be time to prepare for lunch with our German friends Siegfried and Heike who come over from Ulladulla to sample our 'steamboat' and the baked German-style cheesecake Padma made last night.

And that's it for another non-working week!


-Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.