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Today's quote:

Sunday, October 2, 2022

He's much easier to listen to than to look at, but ...


Robert Dessaix is one of Australia’s most-loved writers. He is a former Russian scholar and presenter of a national book program on ABC radio which is when I first encountered him.

(Batting for the other team, he's HIV-positive and living on borrowed time - given his age, he's anyway - which may account for his looks.)

Best-known for his autobiography "A Mother’s Disgrace" and the novels "Night Letters" and "Corfu", he also published several essay collections and two travel memoirs, "Twilight of Love", which is set in Russia, and "Arabesques", his memoir of following in the footsteps of André Gide.



I've just added to my collection of his books by ordering on ebay a copy of "What Days Are For" and "The Leisures of Pleasure" which are, it seems to me, two very appropriate titles at this time in my life.


Read a preview here


The total cost is $35; the total pleasure, I am sure, will be priceless!

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