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Today's quote:

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Padma's support for Ukraine has gone too far


Australian journalist, author and documentary filmmaker John Pilger has dedicated his life to the pursuit of truth and shining a light on inconvenient facts that often contradict the mainstream media narrative.

In the following episode of Talking Post, Pilger sits down with SCMP chief news editor Yonden Lhatoo to discuss the war in Ukraine, the West versus China and the plight of jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange:



This is a propaganda war as much as it is a shooting war. So, next time someone quips, "The second-strongest army in the world invaded Ukraine, and is now the second-strongest army in Ukraine", or, reflecting on the amount of equipment abandoned by the retreating Russian army, "Russia is Ukraine's second-largest arms supplier", take a step back and try to look beyond the propaganda and jingoism.

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P.S. The other big, if not the biggest, issue of our times is China. For John Pilger's take on it, click here and here.

P.P.S. Books by John Pilger:
The New Rulers of the World
Tell Me No Lies
Freedom Next Time
Hidden Agendas
In the Name of Justice
Distant Voices
The Last Day
A Secret Country