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Today's quote:

Friday, June 23, 2023

A lone VOICE in the wilderness


Just say No', was the catchphrase of Nancy Reagan back in the 1980s. The slogan was used to encourage people to stay away from drugs. It was in response to the ‘crack’ epidemic, which saw a cheap but highly addictive derivative of cocaine flooding schools and universities, not to mention the streets of major cities. The premise behind the Reagan campaign was simple: you don’t need a raft of complicated reasons or arguments against this drug. A one-word No will suffice."

"The slogan could equally apply to the proposal for an Indigenous Voice to parliament, which Australians have been asked to vote on in a referendum later this year. For many well-meaning Australians, the idea of voting Yes to the Voice is as tempting as those cheap, feel-good drugs were to 1980s teens. Get a warm inner glow as you assuage any guilt about the plight of Aborigines in Australia, and show your friends, family and colleagues just how cool you are. It’s a pretty cheap fix."

Which is how this article begins, published in the SPECTATOR AUSTRALIA. I hope I don't infringe any copyright by quoting its first two paragraphs, and I hope you will read the rest of it here (maybe I can even persuade you to subscribe to the SPECTATOR - try the first ten weeks for just $10)

And it continues, "Already, legislation being enacted under state Labor governments – who assume that the Voice will soon be a reality – points to a radically different Australia in the not-too-distant future. One where you can’t dig up your backyard without consulting the local indigenous bureaucrats; where a new layer of permits is required for any number of agricultural and commercial activities; where access to parts of the country is reserved for certain racial groups; and where property, land and water rights are all up for legal reinterpretation."

Make your VOICE heard: just say NO - and don't let those activists get away with their deceptions: share this article with everyone you know.

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