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Today's quote:

Saturday, June 3, 2023

What is a woman?

Matt Walsh's documentary is free to watch on Twitter for the next 24 hours
Watch this really scary documentary at your own peril here!


Is this even a question? All of a sudden, far too many people don't seem to know the answer. Is a woman a woman just by feeling or acting a particular way? Aren't gender roles just a "social construct"? Can a woman be "trapped in a man's body"? Does being a woman mean anything at all?

We used to think being a woman had something to do with biology, but the nation's top experts keep assuring us that is definitely not the case. So Matt Walsh decided to do what no man (whatever that means) had done before. He sat down with the experts and asked them directly.

The results are a documentary which you can view here and a book which, last time I looked, would cost me some fifty dollars to buy.



That's too much for my pocket. Anyway, I'm still busy reading "How to understand a Woman - Part - 1" without getting distracted by this new question of what a woman is or which bathroom to use at the pool.



Maybe the Chinese will cure us of this collective insanity that has taken over Western society. How do you ask "What is a woman?" in Mandarin?

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