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Today's quote:

Friday, June 16, 2023

The Four Horsemen


We all know about the biblical Four Horsemen. This documentary describes the four horsemen as "a rapacious financial system, escalating organised violence, abject poverty for billions and the exhaustion of Earth's resources."

Given the plethora of economic doom docs, do we really need another prognosticating end-of-the-worlder? Thankfully, Ross Ashcroft’s film uses a very different model to its predecessors. Instead of bombarding us with sensational imagery and scaremongering, this competently narrated, intelligibly structured and cleverly illustrated film presents its case via a succession of insights from a group of smart, rational orators.

This is a film perhaps better suited to DVD, simply because there are thoughts here of such profundity you might feel the need to reach for the rewind button. I, for one, have been left substantially enlightened.

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P.S. "The Four Horsemen" documentary is the "Inside Job" with bells on. If you missed the "Inside Job", click here.