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Today's quote:

Tuesday, June 6, 2023



As I followed the sun around the house, German book in one hand and glass of Australian wine in the other, I reflected on how they have mangled the German language. "They" are the people behind the "Rechtschreibreform" (spelling reform) of 1996 who introduced the unsightly triple-consonant into such words as "Imbissstand", "Schifffahrt" and "Stillleben".

To me, this photo, like any other painting or drawing of objects such as flowers or fruit rather than people, animals, or landscapes, will always remain a "Stilleben" (still life) with just its former two consonants.

To paraphrase Rupert Brooke, "If I should die, think only this of me: That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for ever the old Germany before the spelling reform of 1996".

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