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Today's quote:

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Happiness is a red plastic chair

"I sit on it often and dream of the past, with my horizon no farther away than across the river."


Happiness was a red plastic chair when my "home" was a 9x9-ft donga tastefully decorated with PLAYBOY centrefolds of girls waxed to the point of martyrdom, when all my wordly possessions easily fitted into a 2ft-wide metal locker, and when my needs for comfort were satisfied by a red plastic chair on the porch.


Happiness is THREE red plastic chairs and a green folding stretcher
(we called them laylows then)
Photo courtesy of Roy Goldsworthy, now residing in Malaysia


It was on Bougainville Island where it all began, the dreaming of a bigger and better future and the searching for wider and farther horizons. Almost fifty years later, I put this old bleached-out red plastic chair on my jetty (under the OSASCOMP-rules, is "bleached-out" a colour-adjective or an opinion? Please put me out of my misery!)


Camp 6 Loloho, Bougainville Island
Click on image to go to the Bougainville Copper Project website


Colour-adjective or opinion (or coloured opinion), happiness is a red plastic chair. I sit on it often and dream of the past, with my horizon no farther away than across the river.

Googlemap Riverbend


P.S. A certain expat, originally from Sunshine Vic. but now residing in Trump's America (and officially designated on the internet as a Republican voter), emailed this photo of himself and three fellow-donga dwellers (presumably not all in the same donga) at Camp 6 in Loloho, suggesting that happiness is FOUR red plastic chairs.