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Today's quote:

Thursday, March 28, 2024

I'm on my best behaviour in the pool


I've been on my best behaviour in the pool for the last few visits because one of the recent newcomers is a retired parole officer. His name is Ian and he is a Yorkshireman who came to Australia in 1985.

This morning he mentioned the movie "Oppenheimer" which he had watched on some subscription channel - I think it was Netflix -which he highly recommended (the movie, not Netflix). We've only have access to ABC TV and, of course, my huge DVD collection to which I'm about to add by buying a copy of "Oppenheimer" which I found on ebay for $21.



After all those $2-DVDs I've been buying at Vinnies it seems like a lot of money but I've just banked my half-yearly BHP dividends and feel rich again - and how could I not heed the advice of my parole officer?

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