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Today's quote:

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Some days I feel like Centrelink!


Another day in Paradise! And mornings at "Riverbend" are the best. Just now, as I sat on the jetty with a cup of tea in my hand, an early fisherman slowly putt-putted past with his big brown dog sitting in the front of the boat.

The dog probably knew nothing about fishing but all about love and loyalty as he kept the fisherman company on his slow trip up the Clyde. I wished I'd had my camera with me to immortalise this happy picture of peace and companionship but, alas, I didn't and all I can do now is paint you a mental picture of it.

There's no need though to paint a picture, mental or otherwise, of the parrot that came pigeon-toeing (well, parrot-toeing, really) through the open door as I was typing this. Her mates were already assembled on the verandah and had sent her in to remind me that it was time to give them a handful of sunflower seeds.

It's tough living at "Riverbend" what with all those parrots, ducks, possums and water dragons constantly asking for a hand-out of feed. Some days I feel like Centrelink!
