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Today's quote:

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

I wished!


I've just received this email purportedly coming from MyGov account, telling me, "we have made adjusments [sic] to your income tax return for the tax year ending 12/2021. Therefore, you are eligible to recieve [sic] a refund of 181.79 AUD". I wished!

Obviously, those Nigeria scammers have never heard of "I before E, except after C" nor the fact that the Australian tax year ends on 30 June. However, what really stopped me from "verifying my idendity" and falling for those scammers is the fact that I haven't even lodged my tax return yet. The deadline is 31 October, and I won't be lodging it until late October, because the later I post it the later I will get their assessment which I already know will be a whopping huge tax bill.

Instead of getting caught up in their scam by verifying my idendity with them, I perhaps ought to try to teach them proper spelling. Should I send them a link to Judy Parkinson's or Laurie Rozakis' book?

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