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Today's quote:

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Use only as directed and if symptoms persist visit your local pool


Which we have been doing this week three times: Monday, Thursday, and today, Saturday. And we feel so much better! As soon as our ten-pass tickets are used up, we'll change over to a full membership which allows us to go every day all year long.

This morning we were in the pool almost as soon as they'd opened up, and had the pool all to ourselves. We'd even beaten the attendant lifeguard to it, but as I had already told him last time, "If you see me drowning, don't bother. I'm not worth saving anyway!" However, he did promise mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by the much better-looking female attendant from the adjacent pool, so I may yet reconsider.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon. I've had my lunch and my glass of retsina, and I'm ready for my afternoon nap in the sun on the old sofa.

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